Saturday, August 27, 2011

Comfort Food for Earthquakes and Hurricanes

It's been an unsettling week here in Philadelphia. On Tuesday I experienced my first-ever earthquake. 
And while it may not have been that bad, seeing the walls in my office move definitely seemed like a fantastic excuse for indulging in some serious comfort food. 
What's wrong with extra cheese when the world seems to be ending sooner than later? 
And now, just a few days later, we are waiting to be walloped/ smacked/ demolished (real adjectives from real newscasters) by a hurricane. So instead of what I had planned to be a lovely weekend in Brooklyn, I am home making hurricane preparations. These include stacking up on wine and baking butter-almond cookies. 
Hopefully that will be enough to see us through.

Preheat Oven to 375 • Cream together 1 stick butter and 1 cup brown sugar • When fluffy add 1 egg and 1 tsp good quality vanilla • When combined, blend in 1+3/4 cups flour and 1/2 tsp sea salt, when batter forms add 1 cup toasted almonds, bake for 10-12 min • makes 24 small cookies

Preheat oven to 450  • roll-out pizza dough and pre-bake for 5 minutes • Remove from oven and top with sliced and salted baby heirloom tomatoes, proscuitto, and caramelized onions (I've been adding pimenton de la vera- or spanish smoked paprika to mine, for a great smoky sweet kick) • Top liberally with mozzarella and bake for 7 minutes or so, until crust is golden ad cheese is bubbly.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. You are seriously making me think about going waaaay off my diet. : ) This will be a good thing to eat the night before I do my next 12 miler training for this dang marathon! mmmmmMMMM!!!
